SIESTA Base workflow


The SIESTA program is able to perform, in a single run, the computation of the electronic structure, the optional relaxation of the input structure, and a final analysis step in which a variety of magnitudes can be computed: band structures, projected densities of states, etc. The operations to be carried out are specified in a very flexible input format. Accordingly, the SiestaBaseWorkchain has been designed to be able to run the most general SIESTA calculation, with support for most of the available options (limited only by corresponding support in the parser plugin). In addition, the workchain is able to restart a calculation in case of failure (lack of electronic-structure or relaxation convergence, termination due to walltime restrictions, etc).

Supported Siesta versions

At least 4.0.1 of the 4.0 series, and 4.1-b3 of the 4.1 series, which can be found in the development platform (


  • code, a code
  • structure, class StructureData

A structure. See the plugin documentation for more details.

  • parameters, class ParameterData

A dictionary with scalar fdf variables and blocks, which are the basic elements of any Siesta input file. A given Siesta fdf file can be cast almost directly into this dictionary form, except that some items (e.g. for structure data) are blocked. Any units are specified for now as part of the value string. Blocks are entered by using an appropriate key and Python’s multiline string constructor. For example:

  "mesh-cutoff": "200 Ry",
  "dm-tolerance": "0.0001",
      "%block example-block": """
      first line
      second line             """,

Note that Siesta fdf keywords allow ‘.’, ‘-‘, or nothing as internal separators. AiiDA does not allow the use of ‘.’ in nodes to be inserted in the database, so it should not be used in the input script (or removed before assigning the dictionary to the ParameterData instance).

  • pseudos

(Optional) A dictionary of PsfData objects representing the pseudopotentials for the calculation. If it is not input, a pseudo_family specification must be used (see below).

The PsfData class has been implemented along the lines of the Upf class for QE.

  • pseudo_family, a Str


  • basis, class ParameterData

A dictionary specifically intended for basis set information. It follows the same structure as the parameters element, including the allowed use of fdf-block items. This raw interface allows a direct translation of the myriad basis-set options supported by the Siesta program. In future we might have a more structured input for basis-set information.

  • kpoints, class KpointsData

Reciprocal space points for the full sampling of the BZ during the self-consistent-field iteration. It must be given in mesh form. There is no support yet for Siesta’s kgrid-cutoff keyword.

If this node is not present, only the Gamma point is used for sampling.

  • bandskpoints, class KpointsData

Reciprocal space points for the calculation of bands. They can be given as a simple list of k-points, as segments with start and end point and number of points, or as a complete automatic path, using the functionality of modern versions of the class.

If this node is not present, no band structure is computed.

  • settings, class ParameterData

An optional dictionary that activates non-default operations. For a list of possible values to pass, see the section on advanced features.

  • options, class ParameterData

Execution options

  • clean_workdir, Bool
  • max_iterations, Int

The maximum number of iterations allowed in the restart cycle for calculations.


  • output_parameters ParameterData (accessed by calculation.res)

A dictionary with metadata and scalar result values from the last calculation executed.

  • output_structure StructureData

Present only if the workchain is modifying the geometry of the system.

  • bands_array, BandsData

Present only if a band calculation is requested (signaled by the presence of a bandskpoints input node of class KpointsData) Contains the list of electronic energies for every kpoint. For spin-polarized calculations, the ‘bands’ array has an extra dimension for spin.

  • remote_folder

The working remote folder for the last calculation executed.