SIESTA Bands workflow


The SiestaBandsWorkchain workflow can be used to visualize the electronic band structure of the system of interest. Its inputs are a structure object and a specification of the quality and cost level of the calculation. The latter is implemented internally, as in Quantum Espresso, as a set of protocols, which group operational parameters to offer the desired balance of accuracy and efficiency. Optionally, the workflow will relax the geometry of the system before computing the band structure. As discussed in the context of the Base workflow, the computation could be implemented as a single (restartable) SIESTA calculation, but it is instead segmented into different steps (optional relaxation followed by a final electronic-structure plus band calculation) to provide future support for different levels of accuracy in the two stages. Support for the fat-bands feature that tags energy levels with orbital projections will be added soon.

Supported Siesta versions

At least 4.0.1 of the 4.0 series, and 4.1-b3 of the 4.1 series, which can be found in the development platform (


  • code, a code
  • structure, class StructureData

A structure. See the plugin documentation for more details.

  • protocol, Str

Either “standard” or “fast” at this point. Each has its own set of associated parameters.

  • standard:

       'kpoints_mesh_offset': [0., 0., 0.],
       'kpoints_mesh_density': 0.2,
       'dm_convergence_threshold': 1.0e-4,
       'forces_convergence_threshold': "0.02 eV/Ang",
       'min_meshcutoff': 100, # In Rydberg (!)
       'electronic_temperature': "25.0 meV",
       'md-type-of-run': "cg",
       'md-num-cg-steps': 10,
       'pseudo_familyname': 'lda-ag',
       'atomic_heuristics': {
           'H': { 'cutoff': 100 },
           'Si': { 'cutoff': 100 }
       'basis': {
           'pao-energy-shift': '100 meV',
           'pao-basis-size': 'DZP'
  • fast:

       'kpoints_mesh_offset': [0., 0., 0.],
       'kpoints_mesh_density': 0.25,
       'dm_convergence_threshold': 1.0e-3,
       'forces_convergence_threshold': "0.2 eV/Ang",
       'min_meshcutoff': 80, # In Rydberg (!)
       'electronic_temperature': "25.0 meV",
       'md-type-of-run': "cg",
       'md-num-cg-steps': 8,
       'pseudo_familyname': 'lda-ag',
       'atomic_heuristics': {
           'H': { 'cutoff': 50 },
           'Si': { 'cutoff': 50 }
       'basis': {
           'pao-energy-shift': '100 meV',
           'pao-basis-size': 'SZP'

The atomic_heuristics dictionary is intended to encode the peculiarities of particular elements. It is work in progress.

The basis section applies globally for now.


  • scf_plus_band_parameters ParameterData

A dictionary with metadata and scalar result values from the final scf+bands calculation executed.

  • bandstructure, BandsData

Contains the list of electronic energies for every kpoint. For spin-polarized calculations, the ‘bands’ array has an extra dimension for spin.